Since being restored to its former glory, St. Bernard's Church is a beautiful location in which to be joined in holy matrimony. The addition of modern air conditioning and lighting in the rebuilt sanctuary, as well as the park-like scenery, enhances the sacred setting for your wedding. Join us for Sunday worship at 10:00 am to experience the beauty of St. Bernard’s Church firsthand. Or, contact our Parish Administrator, Alison Davidson, to set up an appointment by calling 908-766-0602 or by emailing:
Marriages are officiated by our Priest-in-Charge, The Rev. Beth Rauen Sciaino. Additional clergy may assist at weddings at Pastor Beth’s discretion. The Episcopal Church’s marriage liturgy can be found in The Book of Common Prayer on p. 423, under Pastoral Services. Additionally, “The Witnessing and Blessing of a Marriage” has been approved for same-sex marriages and a gender-neutral version of the BCP liturgy is available as well. Our organist will meet with you to select the sacred music for your wedding.
We welcome all couples who want to be married in the Episcopal Church. The fee structure for weddings at St. Bernard’s is dependent on a couple’s relationship to the parish (pledging parishioners, family members of pledging parishioners, and non-parishioners). Please contact our Parish Administrator for fees.
The canons of the Episcopal Church require that at least one member of the couple is baptized. Advance preparation and pre-marital counseling with the priest is also a canonical requirement. For couples of which at least one person has been divorced, permission to officiate must be sought from the Diocesan Bishop by the priest.
To inquire about a wedding or baptism in Saint Bernard's Church, please contact the church office at:
(tel) 908-766-0602; (e-mail)
Weddings @ St. Bernard's
[Click on the photo to expand gallery]
Special thanks to Aaron Rahman for allowing SBC to publish his photos in the gallery above. Booking contact: or
“Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness” (Psalm 29:2)
Sunday Worship Times
All services led by the Rev. Beth Rauen Sciaino
@ St. Bernard's Episcopal Church
11 am Holy Eucharist
@ St. John on the Mountain
7:45 am Holy Eucharist Rite I
9:00 am Holy Eucharist Rite II
Contact Us
Tel: 908.766.0602
St. Bernard's Episcopal Church
88 Claremont Road
Bernardsville, NJ 07924
St. Bernard's Cemetery,
60 Washington Ave,
Bernardsville, NJ 07924