St. Bernard's Food Drive
St. Bernard's Church is currently collecting food for the Food Bank Network of Somerset County and the Feeding America BackPack Program.
On Sunday, May 15, we will hold a Coffee Hour after our 10 am worship to launch this drive. Everyone is invited to bring food donations. Examples of food that can be brought are listed below.
We will continue collecting for the Food Bank Network of Somerset County and the Feeding America Backpack Program. Food items can be dropped in the signed collection bin in front of church.
Food Bank Network of
Somerset County
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Examples of food to donate:
Canned pasta sauce, fruit & veg, Shelf stable milk, Juice, Tuna, Canned meat
Cereal (hot/cold), Mac & cheese, Soup
Toiletries & paper goods.
Feed America Backpack Program
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For Feeding America BackPack Program, individual portions:
Snacks: raisins, fruit cups, pudding, granola bars
Mac & cheese, Ramen, Tuna
Oatmeal packets, small cereal boxes
Shelf stable milk, Juice boxes
Project Name
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Sunday Worship Times
All services led by the Rev. Beth Rauen Sciaino
@ St. Bernard's Episcopal Church
11 am Holy Eucharist
@ St. John on the Mountain
7:45 am Holy Eucharist Rite I
9:00 am Holy Eucharist Rite II
Contact Us
Tel: 908.766.0602
St. Bernard's Episcopal Church
88 Claremont Road
Bernardsville, NJ 07924
St. Bernard's Cemetery,
60 Washington Ave,
Bernardsville, NJ 07924